

In order to serve the community 和 help you stay connected, 我们在下面编制了一个资源列表. 这个列表绝不是详尽无遗的, but we hope it serves as a starting point for connection, 谈话, 并提供支持. If there is anything we can help you find, or if you have any further questions, please email us at CommunityPlusValues@chiastocka.com.



看看我们最新的 浏览瞬间资源中心!


To honor individual 和 communal wellness through these times, C+V很兴奋地宣布推出 创造性地导航资源中心, a C+V initiative designed to share 和 uplift opportunities for the DU community for mindfully, 创造性地, 勇敢地, 和 compassionately navigating these challenging times together, 作为一个社区.

The C+V team is looking to the future with hope. We recognize that the world is facing a significant number of challenges, but as we all continue to manage the circumstances of this time, we are encouraged by the community we see – one that is diligently concerned with supporting one another 和 committed to 反映ion, 分析, 和行动.

As global community members engaging with the world 和 our role(s) in it, 我们可以变得情绪化, 精神上, 精神上, 身体上不堪重负. This initiative will serve as a resource hub for DU that will highlight ways to engage 和 build community while focusing on our wellness as we continue to traverse these changing times. This information will be constantly evolving 和 updated over time. If you are interested in sharing an opportunity, or if you have any questions, please email CommunityPlusValues@chiastocka.com.



在过去的一年里, it has at times felt like creative expression was lost to the virtual, 然而,与世隔绝的世界, 我们知道事实并非如此. We know it is critical to sharing in community with others as we make it through. This page includes 资源 to provide community members with opportunities to move, 学习, 反映, 创建, 更多的是以独特的方式聚集在一起. 


心理健康 & 正念

对抗虚拟疲劳? 感觉与社区脱节? This page provides 资源 that are actively focusing on how you can practice mental wellness 和 mindfulness in community with others during these times. Reach out to fellow community members –a colleague, 朋友, or classmate – 和 find support 和 reset together.


SJE & DU DialogUes Present: Having Difficult Conversations

What a task it is to provide 资源 on having difficult 谈话s. We talk to people all the time, but do we actually have 谈话s? This page discusses how to share, 创建, 和 connect. 分享想法, 意见, 信仰, 恐惧, or optimistic views helps 创建 new perspectives 和 ideas, 和理想, 更多的理解. 我们相信这点, 反过来, sets the stage for deeper levels of connection 和 growth for individuals 和 groups alike.



This page provides 资源 that are focused on how you can combat Zoom fatigue 和 find different ways to virtually connect. The C+V Team recognizes that Zoom is an incredibly useful tool but that Zoom fatigue is real. We provide options for community members to 学习 more about Zoom fatigue 和 alternatives to still connect with fellow community members.


同情疲劳 & 正念:社区单页资源

Our community has endured a lot over the past year, 和 we found ourselves juggling multiple roles at once with a never-ending list of tasks, all while trying to maintain some balance in our life. It is more important than ever to prioritize our mental health 和 practice self-care. 与ieee合作, C+V wants to offer a resource guide to help our community cope with the overwhelming sense of fatigue 和 adopt mindfulness practices. Please share this PDF with your communities as a resource 和 tool!





  • FAQ缩写


    查找最新信息, 常见问题, 资源, 还有最近给学生的留言, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, 父母, 家庭, 和朋友.


  • 报纸的图标


    Read coverage of DU’s people, events 和 项目 as we navigate these unique times 作为一个社区



多样性、股票、 & 包含资源

  • 书

    Office of 多样性、股票、 和 Inclusion (ODEI) Information 和 资源

    Looking for DU event information 和 资源 with regard to DU’s response(s) to the current acts of racism 和 protest nationwide? ODEI’s website will serve as a clearing house of information for the DU community.  If you would like to submit an event or 资源 on ODEI's page, please email the information to inclusion@chiastocka.com.


  • 人图标

    Social Justice Education (SJE) Information 和 资源

    Social justice events 和 资源 to 学习 more 和 take positive action.


  • 灯泡图标


    通过本网站, 我们邀请你来推进你的实践, 创建动态课程, 消除学习障碍, 和 dismantle oppressive practices by implementing inclusive pedagogies. Explore critical diversity considerations that shape higher education in real-time, 阅读学术文章, 浏览建议网站, 观看推荐的TED演讲和视频.



Want to add something to add to our 资源 page?

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